Monday 30 December 2013

New Year Resolution

1. I will save my heart..
By not having soda & very sweet tea & other beverages.
Sugar and fructose, which are used as a sweetener, can raise triglycerides. The extra calories in sugary drinks can also make you gain weight, which puts added strain on your heart and contributes to cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

2. I will manage my stress level..
Managing stress is all about taking charge: of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way you deal with problems. Take a resolution by managing with the help of exercise, better food habits & by managing time.

3. I will save my urinary track..
By drinking lots of water , coconut water & having water melons. Do not hold your urination urge for long, you can prevent urinary tract diseases by this.

4. I will eat for my brain.
Apples, plums, Indian gooseberries, are brain tonics. Green veggies have sulforaphane which takes out all toxins from body and diindolylmethane which nourish nerve cells.

5. I will save my bones
By having potassium, magnesium, vitamin C & calcium rich foods. & avoiding processed foods. Have cow milk, almonds daily. Also spinach, brown rice, small serve of cashew nuts, carrots, papaya, banana, cabbage, cauli flower etc.

The New Year offers an irresistible opportunity to start fresh and reaffirm your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Now is the perfect time to kick those bad eating habits in favor of enjoying nutritious meals that will leave you more than satisfied.
So let's welcome new year 2014!!